, or trngs
- collection that gives you access to all trainings in the app.
Returns training list. Currently it is only used in console for retrieving training list.
pos id public_id name
0 1 1 Clear mind
1 2 2 Relax
2 3 3 Calming
3 4 4 Power
4 5 5 Harmony
5 6 6 Anti-stress
6 7 7 Anti-appetite
7 8 8 Cigarette replace
8 9 11 Bhastrika
pranabreath://trainings - It is a default command when only collection is defined without an item, so if we omit the command it will return the same result.
Import the specified training into the app.
Create the training with defined parameters. If training with such name already exists - new training will not be created. Instead all parameters will be applied to this training.
pranabreath://trainings?cmd=create&name=Serenity&trng_type=1 - Create meditation with name "Serenity".
pranabreath://trainings?cmd=create&name=4_7_8_Breathing&dur_prep_time=5000&trng_cycles={"mValues":[{"mInhaleUnit":4,"mRetainUnit":7,"mExhaleUnit":8,"mMethodsBitSet":129,"mSecPerUnit":1000}],"mKeys":[0,]} - Create training with name "4_7_8_Breathing", with 5 seconds preparing time, and 4:7:8:0 ratio
Starts the selected training. If there is no an entered training - nothing happens, if only the training name is set from public training list, in such case it will be imported automatically and started.
pranabreath://trainings/Clear_mind?cmd=start - Clear mind training will be selected and started. Also it will bring the app to foreground with Training tab selected.
pranabreath://trainings/Some_custom_name?cmd=start - If there is no "Some_custom_name" in the app - nothing happens.
pranabreath://trainings/2?cmd=start - Training with id == 2 will be selected and started.
pranabreath://trainings/Bhastrika?cmd=start - Training with name "Bhastrika" will be selected and started. If there is no such training Bhastrika training will be imported and started.
Delete the selected training. If there is no an entered training - nothing happens
Name of the training.
Indicates public id of the training. All trainings in this list have their own public_id. Readonly value.
pranabreath://trngs?cmd=import&public_id=25 - Import training with public_id equals 25 which is Ha breathing training.
Is a kind of the training. Value range is [0 - breathing session, 1 - meditation].
pranabreath://trainings?cmd=create&name=Serenity&trng_type=1 - Create meditation with name "Serenity".
Position of the training in the training list.
pranabreath://trainings/Clear_mind?pos=9999 - Move the Clear mind training to the very bottom of the list.
Selected complexity level of a training (if applicable). Value range is [1, 5]
pranabreath://trngs/1?curr_level=3 - Set complexity level to "Advanced" for clear mind training
dur_time, or duration
Training duration, in milliseconds (if this value is set, training duration mode will be measured in amount of time). Value range is [1, 999]
dur_num_cycles, or num_iterations
Training duration, in amount of cycles (if this value is set, training duration mode will be measured in amount of cycles). Value range is [1, 999]
pranabreath://trainings/Relax?dur_num_cycles=18 - Set training duration to 18 cycles for the Relax training.
Preparing time duration, in milliseconds. Value range is [0, 60000]
dynamic, or trng_cycles
The object which represents breathing or repose cycles of the training.
pranabreath://trainings/15?dynamic={"mValues":[{"mInhaleUnit":1,"mExhaleUnit":1,"mSecPerUnit":6500}{"mInhaleUnit":1,"mExhaleUnit":1,"mSecPerUnit":7000}{"mInhaleUnit":1,"mExhaleUnit":1,"mSecPerUnit":7300}],"mKeys":[0,1,2,]} - Set the 3 cycles with [[Ratio_of_breath_cycle|ratio] 1:0:1:0. First cycles has 6.5 seconds per ratio unit, second 7 seconds and third 7.3 seconds.
Trigger dynamic mode. Value range is [true, false].
pranabreath://trainings/Harmony?dynamic_enabled=true - Enable dynamic mode for the Harmony training.
The training note.
The custom chants of the training.
pranabreath://trainings?cmd=create&name=Chanting_breathing&custom_chants=["Qm9vb20%3D","VmFhYW0%3D","UmFhYW0%3D"]&dynamic={"mValues":[{"mInhaleUnit":1,"mExhaleUnit":1,"mSustainUnit":2,"mChantsBitSet":1073742800,"mSecPerUnit":3000}],"mKeys":[0,]} - Create the training with custom chants. Chants are passed as an array and also every chant is Base64 encoded for the URL safety. In this example we set "Raaam" chant for the inhaling and "Vaaam" chant for the exhaling.
The training note.
pranabreath://trainings/Relax?note=VGhpcyB0cmFpbmluZyBpcyByZWFsbHkgaGVscGZ1bCBhZnRlciBsb25nIGNvbmNlbnRyYXRpb24%3D - Set the training note for the Relax training. It will totally replace previous note if it existed. The note should be Base64 encoded for the URL safety.
Data of training (.trng) file for importing.
pranabreath://trainings?cmd=import&json_data={"ENTRY":"TRAINING","name":"my_training"}" - Import the training with "my_training" name.