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Prana Breath: Mir & Meditacija
Izboljšaj misli ter zdravje, bori se proti stresu s pomočjo dihanja & meditacije
Spoznajte tehnike dihanja, odobrene s strani naših prednikov, sodobne znanosti in več milijonov naših uporabnikov Uporabite moč dihanja in meditacije ter izboljšajte svoj um ter zaživite boljše življenje. Ni pomembno, kaj počnete - Jogo, dietiranje, potapljanje, itd. - pozitivne učinke boste opazili že po 7-15 minutah dnevneda izvajanja!
Kaj počne?
- Izboljša dejavnosti možganov: spomin, pozornost, koncentracijo
- Lajša stisko
- Ustvari odpornost proti stresu, razvije fizično vzdržljvost
- Odpravlja večerne napade apetita in tako pomaga ohranjati zdravo težo
- Decreases the frequency of cold, migraine and asthma attacks
- Promotes healthy sleep
- Improves vocal and breath hold time, thus is good for singer and diver
Why Prana Breath?
- Absolutely no advertisement
- Fast, optimized, battery saving
- Easy - just tap on "play", close your eyes and let the sound guide you
- Option to turn the screen off during the training
- 8 breathing patterns for different purposes
- Possibility to create your own patterns
- Rich statistics
- Reminders for creating a convenient training schedule
- Most patterns are derived from Pranayama, Sufi and Tibetan breathing practices
- Unique to Google Play "Anti-Appetite" training, for fighting emotional over-eating
- Exclusive "Cigarette replace", designed by Simone Righini, to help you quit smoking
Additionally for Guru version:
- Dynamic trainings for smooth improvement & for sophisticated patterns
- Diverse breath methods and chants
- Detailed progress chart and training log
- Health tests
- Enriched settings and more sounds
- Regularly updated database of more than 50 training patterns, such as: 4-7-8 breathing, Kapalbhati, Anulom Vilom, Nadi Shodhana, Tummo, Udgeeth, etc.
Scientific proofs:
In-app products strings
Guru forever
Guru for 3 months
Guru for 1 year (discount 60%)
Improve your health and become more conscious using powerful Guru features!
Our team really appreciates your support, as it helps us to improve this app!
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