All translations

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Found 23 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h Arabic (ar)فقاعات المهام
 h Bulgarian (bg)Мехурчета за задачи
 h German (de)Aufgabenblasen
 h Spanish (es)Burbujas de tareas
 h Persian (fa)حباب‌هاي وظيفه
 h French (fr)Bulles de tâches
 h Hindi (hi)टास्क बुलबुले
 h Croatian (hr)Mjehurići sa zadacima
 h Indonesian (id)Gelembung tugas
 h Italian (it)Bolle compito
 h Korean (ko)할 일 버블
 h Dutch (nl)taak bubbels
 h Polish (pl)Bąbelki zadań
 h Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br)Bolhas de tarefas
 h Message documentation (qqq)are the bubbles with tasks, attached for activities for today; this will be shown in filters in Logging tab
 h Romanian (ro)Baloane cu sarcini
 h Russian (ru)Пузырьки задач
 h Serbian (Cyrillic script) (sr-ec)Мехурићи задатака
 h Swedish (sv)Uppgiftsbubblor
 h Turkish (tr)Görev kabarcıkları
 h Ukrainian (uk)Бульбашки задач
 h Chinese (China) (zh-cn)任务气泡
 h Chinese (Taiwan) (zh-tw)工作氣泡