Time Planner: marketinške kartice
Time Planner - raspored/kalendar, lista zadataka, evidencija vremena
Povećajte produktivnost s ovim organizatorom, listom zadataka, kalendarom i evidencijom zadataka i navika
Planirajte li i Vi 100 stvari u danu da bi ih na kraju ostvarilo maksimalno 10?
Prolazi li i vama vrijeme jako brzo?
Pitate li se ikad kamo odlazi?
Prestanite se pitati, saznajte kako ga trošite!
Ako vam je već dosta gomile različitih aplikacija za praćenje vremena poput kalendara, lista zadataka, alarma, tajmera, pratitelja navika, bilješki... isprobajte Time Planner koji ima sve navedene funkcije na jednom mjestu. Uštedite svoje vrijeme i povećajte svoju produktivnost u različitim područjima svoga života!
Why this App?
• Fast and optimized time management tool
• Absolutely no ads (seriously!)
• Convenient schedule with timeline and part of the day modes
• Easy time tracking with bubbles
• Handy customizing with loads of icons and colors
• Hierarchical structure of categories and subcategories
• Reminders of different types
• Task priority marks
• Notes with rich formatting
• Alarm + captcha to fight procrastination
• Moon calendar
• Import events from Google calendar
• Backup
Additionally for Pro version:
▸ Unlimited and detailed statistics of your expectations and the reality
▸ Multiple nesting levels of subtasks
▸ Various filters
▸ Timer, stopwatch and countdown
▸ Widget for quick access
▸ Enriched settings, including more sounds
Also our users proved this app goes well with:
🌞 Early wake ups
🚰 Water drinking monitoring
🚭 Controlling bad habits like smoking
📥 Quitting constant email/feed checking
⚖️ Finding balance between work and family
🎾 Making more time for hobbies
🏠 FlyLady housekeeping system
🥕 Finding self motivation to get things done
🎯 Being focused and concentrated on what you're doing
Look how you can use this app in daily practice:
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Pro forever
Invest precious time of your life wisely using powerful Pro features!
Pro for 3 months
Pro for 1 year
Give a try to Pro features and see how they help you in investing your life time