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Revision as of 12:57, 13 May 2018 by Nadia (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Анти-Аппетит''' - это один из типов тренировки по умолчанию в приложении [{{GP...")
Анти-Аппетит - это один из типов тренировки по умолчанию в приложении Prana Breath, с соотношением дыхательного цикла, равным 5:0:10:0, с длительностью в 10 минут (40 діхательніх циклов), и с 1 секундой в качестве значения "секунд в единице пропорции".
Скачать: Анти-аппетит.trng |
- removing emotional (not physical!) attack of hunger
- reducing excessive appetite
- distracting the mind from food
- weakening food obsession
- stimulating metabolism
- helping with loosing weight in a healthy way
Origin, history
This pattern is taken from Dr.'s A. Faleev book "Magic of slimness". It is one of the methods he suggests for coping with emotional eating. It has clinically proven effectiveness.
Setting the training
- Choose this pattern in Training tab or Control tab.
- NB! This pattern cannot substitute the entire weight loss program. Please consult your physician for the information about nutrition and exercises that will be effective in your case.
Training process
- Choose the comfortable position.
- Empty your lungs, breathing out with effort ("Prepare").
- Make a full inhaling ("Inhale").
- Make a full exhaling ("Exhale").
- Keep inhaling and exhaling till the end of your training session.
- After you're done, you might take some time for meditating and contemplating yourself.
Other questions
How long should I train? How can I combine this pattern with another? Should I always inhale through my nose?
If you have such or other questions, please look through the FAQ page.